Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The New Movement Phase (Ver. 0.7)

As you've no doubt noticed, my life got busy again. My energy/health has been pretty good, but parental health issues, plus my kids' summer swim lessons/practices/meets have eaten up most of my free time, and left the rest in chunks too small to get much done in. I'm hoping for a break next week, as the kids will be at camp. But we'll see. My Mom is still recovering from major orthopedic surgery (which came right after her cancer surgery and chemo), so there's all sorts of paperwork still left to do about that.

Anyway, here's the PDF for the Movement Phase. With better colors on the reserve movement graphic, and some tweaks here and there. 'Manning' building openings is no longer a thing, a change brought about by my recent work on the Shooting Phase rules. I also added in a rule for vertical coherency, and fixed that rule numbers, as these had somehow gotten out of order.

Still bashing my way through the Shooting Phase. I'll share some more when I'm happy with it.

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