Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wrap Up: Our Overall Development Goals

B. Nikolaev. Spring 1945.
It's time to wrap up the discussion on our major development goals. Here's the updated list.
  1. Write Clear, Unambiguous Rules
  2. Eliminate As Much Subjectivity As Possible From The Rules
  3. Update Rules When Problems Are Found Instead Of Ignoring Them
  4. Balance Overall Complexity, While Generally Reducing It Compared To 5th Edition 40K
  5. Reduce Overall Play Time By 25-33% Through Streamlined Mechanics
  6. Reduce Overall Randomness To Make The Game More Deterministic
  7. All Randomness Should Serve A Purpose
  8. Reduce The Time Spent Waiting On Your Opponent
  9. Design The Rules In Such A Way As To Discourage Slow Playing At Competitive Events
  10. Introduce More Interesting Weapon/Defense Mechanics To The Game
Here's a quick summary of the various discussions about each point:

Write Clear, Unambiguous Rules

TheDaR has suggested that we follow the same format as the Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules.


This approach would require both an Introductory and a Comprehensive version of the rules. Most likely we will produce and discuss something similar to a comprehensively written rules set and then 'translate' it into something less intimidating for new players.

Other Determinations:
  1. We Must Have Version Numbers On All Rules Publications
  2. We Must Clearly State If Book Y Is Replacing Book X
  3. We Must Have A Master Glossery Of Terms
    Indexes are needed.
It was also noted int he discussions that 'clarity' and lack of ambiguity maybe aren't the same thing.

Eliminate As Much Subjectivity As Possible From The Rules

Basically, we're going to remove all of the big argument starters from the game. Both to speed things up and to reduce stress.

Specific Hot-Button Items:

  1. True Line of Sight
  2. Blast Weapons
  3. Clear Terrain Standards
We need to have defined keywords for specific rules/exceptions, and have the rules in general work by exception rather than enumeration. (TheDaR is working on an additional post about this.)

Reduce Overall Play Time By 25-33% Through Streamlined Mechanics

Fewer overall dice rolls.

Straightforward movement and assault rules.

Reduce Overall Randomness To Make The Game More Deterministic

Dice rolls only for:
  1. Shooting Attacks
  2. Close Combat Attacks
  3. Psychic Powers
  4. Leadership/Morale
  5. Falling Back
  6. Deep Striking/Reserves
No Dice Rolls for:
  1. Terrain Movement
  2. Number of Shots
We also need a reworked vehicle damage system that's less random in it's results.

All Randomness Should Serve A Purpose

Randomness should exist to introduce a carefully chosen level of uncertainty into certain actions. It should never be used simply to add "fun" or "excitement" to the game. There should always be an easily understood risk/reward payoff to any randomized action or list choice.

Reduce The Time Spent Waiting On Your Opponent

Allow Pre-Measuring.

Keep probability calculations relatively simple.

Introduce More Interesting Weapon/Defense Mechanics To The Game

This will take many forms, but we'll stive to add more character to how the various classes of weapons work. In part, because without a saving throw some of 40K's existing weapon differences will be lost. But also because we want a more futuristic, fluffy feel to our weapons and the defenses that are intended to counter them.

Contributing Discussions:

Overall Development Goals
To Pre-Measure, Or Not?
Lascannon Idea
What About Bolters?


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